Metabolic Risk & Gut Health Calculator

Metabolic Risk & Gut Health Calculator

Based on research from the University of Zurich and University of California

Answer the questions below to evaluate your metabolic risk and receive personalized recommendations to support your gut health and glucose balance.

Question 1 of 11

1. What is your age?

Under 30
Over 65

2. How would you describe your energy levels throughout the day?

Consistently high - rarely feel tired
Generally good, with occasional small dips
Frequent ups and downs throughout the day
Generally low, especially after meals
Constantly tired, regardless of activities

3. How often do you experience intense cravings for sweet foods or carbohydrates?

Rarely or never
1-2 times per week
3-5 times per week
Multiple times per day, difficult to control

4. How do you feel approximately 1-2 hours after a carbohydrate-rich meal?

Energized and alert
No noticeable changes
Slightly drowsy
Significantly sleepy or experiencing a "carb crash"
Extremely lethargic, needing to rest

5. Have you measured your fasting glucose levels? If yes, what is typically the result?

Less than 90 mg/dL
Between 90-99 mg/dL
Between 100-109 mg/dL
Between 110-125 mg/dL
126 mg/dL or higher / I don't know

6. Do you have a family history of metabolic issues?

None that I know of
Distant relatives (uncles, cousins, grandparents)
One parent
Both parents
Multiple close family members, including parents or siblings

7. How often do you experience digestive issues (bloating, gas, discomfort)?

Rarely or never
Occasionally, perhaps 1-2 times per month
Several times per month
Several times per week
Almost daily

8. In the past 5 years, how often have you taken antibiotics?

1 time
2-3 times
4-5 times
More than 5 times or continuous use

9. How would you describe your typical diet?

Rich in vegetables, proteins, healthy fats and fiber
Balanced, with a variety of natural foods
Mixed, with moderate processed foods
High consumption of processed foods and sugars
Primarily ultra-processed foods and fast food

10. Do you notice any of these symptoms after meals? (Select the most frequent)

None, I feel fine after eating
Mild drowsiness
Bloating or gas
Significant fatigue or "brain fog"
Dizziness, irritability, shakiness, or sweating

11. What is your waist circumference?

Men < 37 inches / Women < 31.5 inches
Men 37-38 inches / Women 31.5-33 inches
Men 38.5-40 inches / Women 33.5-34.5 inches
Men 40.5-41.5 inches / Women 35-36 inches
Men > 41.5 inches / Women > 36 inches

Analyzing your responses...

Our algorithm is calculating your metabolic profile and preparing personalized recommendations.

Your Personalized Report

Based on your responses, we've prepared a detailed analysis of your metabolic risk profile.


High Risk

Your score indicates a high probability of gut microbiota imbalance that may be affecting your metabolic health. The symptoms you reported, such as energy fluctuations, sugar cravings, and digestive discomfort, are classic signs of a compromised microbiome.

Research from the University of Zurich shows that people with your response profile are 78% more likely to develop metabolic complications in the next 5 years if corrective measures are not taken.

Primary Recommendation

Based on your risk score, we strongly recommend nutritional support focused on balancing gut microbiota, combining natural sources of polyphenols with specific prebiotics. Clinical studies show that this approach can significantly reduce metabolic risk indices in 6-12 weeks.

Personalized Action Plan


Immediate Microbiome Support

Introduce potent sources of polyphenols, such as cinnamon extract and other natural compounds that have been shown to reduce gut microbiota imbalances. The formulation that best combines these elements is Sugar Shield, developed based on the most recent studies on metabolic health.


Simple Dietary Adjustments

Gradually reduce foods that may disturb your microbiome (ultra-processed foods, refined sugars, trans fats) and increase consumption of fermentable fibers and anti-inflammatory foods.


Regular Monitoring

Track your progress by measuring your fasting glucose levels every 2 weeks and observe improvements in reported symptoms (energy, digestion, sugar cravings).

Validated by Experts

Dr. Miles Prescott, MD, PhD

Lead Researcher, University of Zurich

Dr. Emma Collins, PhD

Clinical Nutrition Specialist, Health and Harmony Institute

Next Steps

Access to the recommended products in your personalized plan


Important Notice: This assessment is for educational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. Results are based on current scientific research on gut microbiome and metabolic health, but each person is unique. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet or health routine. The statements about Sugar Shield have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.